Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeWorldA message from the former president who put Uruguay on the road to progress:...

A message from the former president who put Uruguay on the road to progress: Now we do everything to buy something, humans have become slaves to the market.

The life story of the former President of Uruguay Jose Mujica is no less than a movie story. But his message is even more exciting than his life story. 89-year-old Mujika, who is suffering from a deadly disease like cancer, says that nowadays we are doing everything to buy something. They say that we need to understand the meaning of failure in our life. We have become slaves to the market. Debt has become today's religion. He believes that true freedom is not only in wealth or possessions, but in living our lives with simplicity and contentment. You will be free when your needs are reduced. The greater the need, the more enslaved you become. Mujika states that there is no limit to our needs. If you run after needs once, you will run after them for the rest of your life. Today, when Mujica is in the final stages of his life and battling a serious illness, his voice still has the same strength and truth. They say life comes only once, and it should be lived happily and peacefully. Born in a farming family, Mujika faced struggle from childhood. Fought a guerilla war. He was imprisoned for 15 years for opposing the military dictatorship. However, he did not compromise with his ideals and became the president once again. What sets Mujika apart from everyone else is their lifestyle. Even after becoming President, he chose to live in the old hut. He donated a large part of his earnings to the poor and the needy and kept only what was necessary for living for himself. While the rest of the world's leaders travel in expensive vehicles, Mujica chose his old tractor. Connect with yourself… Get away from technology, listen to your heart Mujica believes that we should listen to our heart and connect with ourselves. He has thrown his phone in the garbage. He felt that it was robbing him of his peace of mind. They say spending time with you is more important. Connecting with yourself is more important than technology.

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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