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HomeTop StoriesVata Tanmanani: How to bring regularity to exercise?

Vata Tanmanani: How to bring regularity to exercise?


Question: What is bipolar disorder? What are its symptoms and treatment? Bipolar disorder is a serious mental disorder in which a person's mood swings are extreme and irregular. These mood phases include 'mania' (excitement) or hypomania and 'depression' (despair). During the mania phase the person feels very happy and energetic, while during the depression phase the person becomes very sad and negative. Some of its features are as follows. 1. Phases of Mania: Feeling extremely happy, energetic and excited. – Feeling refreshed despite getting less sleep than needed. – Speed ​​of thought, sudden increase in consumption, participation in risky activities. 2. Depression Phase: Changes in sleep and diet. – Constant fatigue and lack of energy. – Hopelessness, depression, and suicidal thoughts. Treatment includes medications and therapy. Medications include mood stabilizers, anti-depressants and anti-psychotic drugs. Also, psychological therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), has been shown to be very effective. This type of therapy helps a person to control his thoughts and behavior. Regular exercise, rest and proper diet are also important. Bipolar disorder can also include hypomania, mixed and sub-threshold bipolar. To know more about this you can read books like 'Why Am I Still Depressed'. Question: I try to exercise regularly, but can only do four to five days at a time. Then my passion goes away and the habit breaks. How can exercise be regular? Exercising regularly is not easy, but it can be made a habit gradually. It may be a bit difficult at first, but you can do the exercise regularly like this. 1. Set a specific goal: Decide what you want to achieve, such as losing weight, getting fitter, or being more energetic. If the goal is clear, it will be motivating. 2. Set a regular time: Have a fixed time for exercise. Try to exercise at the same time every day, so that it becomes a part of your daily life. 3. Short term goals: Rather than starting with big goals, set small goals that can be achieved easily. Like three days a week initially, then gradually increase the target. 4. Variety: Keep exercise varied, taking care not to get monotonous. Sometimes walking, sometimes cycling, sometimes doing yoga, so that the interest in exercise is maintained. Get a friend or family member involved in the exercise. When you exercise together, it gives you motivation and helps you get into an exercise routine. Question: Can you tell me a simple way to quit tobacco addiction? Proper planning and some methods can be tried to get rid of tobacco addiction. Getting rid of tobacco addiction is very important for physical and mental health. Learn about the harms of tobacco addiction and the benefits of quitting. When you understand the health problems it causes, your mind will become stronger. Freedom from addiction is not immediate. It may take some time. That's why you should be patient. During this period you can try some remedies, such as nicotine replacement therapy (such as nicotine patches, nicotine gum). Also share your plan with family and friends. They can help you break this bad habit. A support system is very helpful at this point. If the thought of tobacco addiction comes to you again, try to concentrate on something. In 10-15 minutes your mind will be busy with other work. If even after expensive efforts to quit smoking, no result is achieved, a specialist doctor can give proper guidance to quit smoking and even prescribe medicines if necessary.}

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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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