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Gatkadu: All speakers do not speak anything!

Dr. Prakash Dave

God makes him a listener in this birth who has spoken a lot in this birth and did not listen to anyone! It also means that a speaker in this birth has the sword of being a listener in the next birth. Being a speaker and a listener requires special qualities. Different types of speakers have different characteristics. Many speakers are good at making a point of coughing themselves up while speaking. Not all speakers say anything. There are also many speakers who punctuate their speech by saying as little as possible. Such speakers appeal more to the audience. As if the speaker asks the listener that which country is north of India? speak speak? So the listener responds. There the speaker asks another question 'And in the south?' Thus, after turning the listeners in all directions, they raise their hands and ask, what is above? Listeners say, 'Akash.' Thus, the entire speech ends with the audience's response. As some speakers come on the stage, they bow and greet the audience, using in advance the politeness that is in them as well as the politeness that will be acquired in the future. At first he is in the mood to greet all the listeners individually, but after greeting two or five listeners, when he looks at the audience, he realizes that none of the listeners are interested in his greetings. Everyone is busy with mobile. So he drops the personal salute and gives two or five general salutes. Then it goes to Mike. His posture while walking towards the mic is like 'dhak dhak karne laga, mora jeera dar ne laga'. The first thing he does after reaching the microphone is to set it up. Try to position the microphone as close to your face as possible. Not every microphone is speaker friendly. Therefore, it does not allow standing in front of the speaker's face. At that time, without creating a question of prestige, the speaker sets his mouth where the microphone is and provides a vivid example of sportsmanship. The first thing a batsman does after coming on the pitch is to take guard from the umpire. Similarly, the first thing a speaker does is to blow the mic. From the breath of the speaker, it is known whether the speaker will say something concrete or just spit! Many speakers blow so loudly that children in the congregation and weak-hearted listeners are frightened. Mike comes running frantically. The microphone itself also moves from the base. However, today's mics have become smarter. It tells the speaker in advance that I blew the microphone, all you have to do is speak! Some microphones are also awkward. It has to be blown every ten minutes. Otherwise it misbehaves before a discerning audience by whistling. Mike comes second in whistling, Cooker first. Oftentimes the microphone doesn't need to play the city, the speaker's voice does the raucous job of playing the city. There are two types of speakers. The first type of speaker has difficulty speaking into the mic due to audience anxiety. Other types of speakers have difficulty leaving the mic. Speakers of the second type are likely to be in the majority. Some speakers can deliver speeches while smiling. The rest of the speaker leaves it up to the audience to laugh! The audience is forced by the announcer to clap during the speech. The speaker has to be greeted with 'loud applause' at the beginning, middle and end! As brother-in-law is pleased to see the sisters-in-law, some speakers are pleased to hear applause. Applause is useful in two ways in a meeting, to wake up a sleeping audience and to shake off a speaker who is frozen on the mic! However, excessive clapping can also be instrumental in spoiling the speaker! Some speakers make the address longer than the invocation. Before saying the name of each person sitting on the stage, he shows their various characteristics. As in, 'On the dais, Your Excellency, my best friend, with whom I have a twenty-and-twenty-year-long friendship, is like a midnight honker, and who has just passed away after receiving a prestigious award in his field. . ' forgets to take the name of! Dropping the mic is the second hardest task. Number one still comes from the chair!

See also  Gatkadu: A mouth-watering tasting job

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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