Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tag: Tar...b...tar

Tar…b…tar: If it is the subject of Shraddha then why the need for proof?

Hardwar GoswamiThe departure of Napati and the commencement of Shraddha is very suggestive. Ganapati has established the value of parents by circumambulating the parents instead of circumambulating the earth. First salutations...

Tar…b…tar: Bhadravi Poonam, a light in life

Hardwar GoswamiHealth care is behind eating milk pauna in Radpoonam. Our festivals consist of seasonal foods, which are beneficial to the body. By eating junk food, we deal with illness. In...

Tar…b…tar: Amas means the last day of Shravan and the beginning of Navaprakasvarsha

Hardwar Goswami A Shiva devotee's undertaking to go to the temple every evening. Before daily food was prepared for the saints in the temple, Shiva was held as a plate. That...

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