Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: learn

What to do when you feel discouraged?: Cultivate resilience within yourself, learn 6 benefits of resilience and 6 tips from an expert

No matter how many difficulties come our way in life and discourage us, we should never give up. Many times when we face difficulties, we get discouraged, lose courage and give...

Learn From Lord Krishna The Art Of Relationships: Be it love, friendship or leadership roles, following the path of Lord Krishna will lead to...

Today is Shri Krishna Janmashtami. It is said that Lord Shri Krishna was born on this day. Lord Krishna's personality has many dimensions. Their entire life journey and their relationships teach...

Learn from Lord Krishna the secret of good health: sleep and wake up on time, balanced diet and exercise, listen to God if not...

Yuktaharaviharasya yuktchestasya karmasu. Yuktaswapnavabodhasya yoga bhavati dukhaha ॥ (Srimad Bhagavad Gita 6.17) This verse means that a person who has a healthy diet and lifestyle, who puts in proper effort in...

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