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Malaika Arora's father commits suicide: One suicide every 40 seconds in the world, 90% due to poor mental health; How to understand and stop

Bollywood actress Malaika Arora's father Anil Mehta got mixed up in Panchatatva. In the preliminary investigation, the police have declared the cause of his death as suicide. Investigations revealed that he last spoke to his two daughters on the phone and said, 'I am sick and tired', implying that he was feeling very helpless and depressed. Some media reports have claimed that he had been ill for some time, while there has been no official confirmation of this.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 720,000 people die by suicide every year in the world. According to a 2018 study published in the National Library of Medicine, some mental health disorder or mental illness accounts for nearly 90% of suicides.

So, today' Health water' we will talk about the connection between suicide and mental health disorders. You will also learn that-

  • What could be the reasons behind a person committing suicide?
  • What does it have to do with health?
  • Do people do any gestures before committing suicide?
  • Can we save someone from suicide?

Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide According to a report published in the National Library of Medicine, suicide accounts for about 1.4% of all deaths worldwide. More than 7 lakh people die due to suicide every year in the world, while in India about 2.25 lakh people commit suicide every year.

According to the World Health Organization, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds worldwide.

Signs of despair appear before suicide No one suddenly becomes suicidal. A preparation was going on in his mind for a long time. In simple language, if someone wants to go to Delhi from his village, he should prepare a bag, take a bus or auto to the nearest city, take a train or flight from there to reach Delhi. These routes and tickets taken by him show where he is going. Similarly, if we look carefully, we can bring people around us to another station and bring them back before they decide to commit suicide.

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Let's understand from the graphic what signals people give before committing suicide.

Brain is the real master of our body, all other organs are its servants. The real boss of the body is our brain. It can be called the king of the body and the rest of the body parts are its servants. With the help of all this king runs the kingdom called 'body'. This is a very righteous king, who protects the body in every situation and at every level.

This means that our brain gives its life to get us out of every disease, trouble and every difficulty. Now think what will happen if this king (brain) himself falls ill. It clearly means that the Sultanate will be in trouble. Many studies say the same thing. Suicidal thoughts come to mind only when a person is sick. That is why mental illness or mental health disorder is responsible for 90% of suicide cases.

Also, there may be many risk factors behind this. Let's look at the graphic.

People commit suicide when they can't find a way out. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, when a person begins to think about committing suicide, the condition is called psychotic suicidal ideation. This means suicidal thoughts. When a person finds no way out of a problem, disease or situation, he starts thinking of ending his life.

How to save a suicidal person Loneliness can prove to be the most deadly if a person is thinking about suicide. In such a situation, he feels very isolated and helpless and this becomes a trigger point. If you see signs of suicide in someone, these tips may help.

  • A person showing signs of hopelessness and depression needs immediate attention to their mental health. Sometimes this situation can be improved with counseling and sometimes clinical help may be needed. In such cases, clinical psychiatrists try to control the symptoms of depression through medication.
  • If a person is suffering from a mental health disorder like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, they also need immediate clinical help.
  • It is important to sit down and listen quietly with people who are thinking about suicide. One should talk to them very intimately so that they can express their thoughts openly.
  • One should listen quietly without interrupting them. No opinion should be formed without understanding the whole thing.
  • One should try to understand their problem and accept the problem instead of giving any advice at that time. It should never be said that this is not a problem.
  • We should try to understand their feelings. After gaining their trust, help should be sought from an expert.
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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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