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HomeTop StoriesNowadays: digital dementia, digital detox

Nowadays: digital dementia, digital detox

I pray that no one suffers from dementia, but you must have heard and read this word. The Gujarati word for this is Manobhransh. It is directly related to brain capacity. Dementia causes loss of thinking, reasoning and memory. Mostly in old age many people get what they call dementia. This dementia occurs in old age, but modern-day digital dementia can occur at any age. Maybe it will be known if it has already started. Those who constantly keep their eyes glued to the smartphone or computer screen need to be alert immediately. Too much technology can be perceived as harmful to the eyes, but new things kill the brain. How much time do we mean me, you and all Indians spend on an average with a mobile phone? According to a survey by a social media management platform, the average Indian spends five and a half hours on a mobile phone. And what-what are you doing in these five and a half hours? Two hours and 24 minutes go up on social media. An hour and 14 minutes are spent on messaging apps. Browsing takes an hour and 10 minutes. 45 minutes in games and 38 minutes in watching videos. Remember that this sample survey is an estimate, a repeat estimate, of demand. Thinking of your case, say that this average of five and a half hours is low? More or less? After the mobile phone, how much time do we spend in elu-elu with the computer screen. A report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India says something different, which is hard to digest. According to this report, an average Indian spends four to five hours a day on his computer or mobile device. Just imagine that, in seven to eight hours of work, four to five hours are not spent on the computer? What about time spent on mobile phones before or after work? There is an interesting finding in this report, which is worth knowing. According to it, 18 to 45 year olds spend 4-5 hours a day on computer-mobile phone, five to 14 year olds waste 3-4 hours a day and young adults (between 15 and 17 years old) waste the most time: 5-6 hours a day. This age group is the most important stage for developing physical and mental capacity, but it is a great misfortune that the priority is changing.

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What are the symptoms of digital dementia? Short-term amnesia, rapid forgetting, difficulty recalling words, and difficulty multi-tasking. Have you experienced any of these? Don't even remember that? Yes, sometimes slowness in communication, inability to focus on a task or person, inability to reason logically, sudden changes in mood and sleep, in short brain function slows down. Of course, there must be a solution to the problem. The first is to try to avoid digital dementia and if the stage has passed, to get rid of it, but what to do? Read carefully and remember. First of all put a box in the name of the mobile phone notification. Most notifications are almost useless, but permanently delete all but the most important ones. Yes, disable it. This will reduce your screen time. Second, there are some apps that don't require your full attention. Reduce scrolling time or pedal on a stationary bicycle without wheels while scrolling or lift some weight. Three, unfortunately we have gotten into the habit of picking up our mobile phones when we are bored. But another activity should be done instead. Read a good book or go for a walk. Four, let's fix the time to watch TV-series, surf on social media. Impress children by accepting all these habits, controls, limits for themselves. Putting a stamp on the mobile phone and shouting 'Pakla Mobile Mook' will do nothing. These Are the Ways to Avoid Digital Dementia, But How Does It Happen? According to experts, electronic devices stimulate the left side of the human brain. And the right side is not used at all. In fact, the right side of the brain is responsible for concentration, but it is neglected in the use of digital devices, it remains inactive. What will 10-12-15 year old teenagers do in their next life if they become victims of digital dementia? Start a digital detox to avoid this dire scenario. What is the benefit of this digital detox? Voluntarily and intentionally stay away from or reduce the time you use digital devices. In the language of the month of Shravan, it can be said to do and do digital fasting. If it doesn't happen, get digital isolation, but don't get free time.

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Every status update, online-offline, is a different form of the same request that someone acknowledge my existence. Please?- American comedian Marc Maron

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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