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Manas Darshan: The true path to continuous enjoyment

The four sutras of Gawan Mahavir Prabhu are very important. In 'Uttaradhyayana', which is the final sutra of Lord Mahavir, four things are said by Lord Mahavir Prabhu. These are the four paths on which the seeker begins to attain Sugata. Knowledge, vision, character and austerity are the four paths shown by Mahavira Prabhu, by walking the path the seeker attains divine speed; Attains supreme bliss. The first word is 'Knowledge.' According to Mahavir Swami, knowledge is the path to enlightenment. 'Ramcharitmanas' has said this before, 'Gyan Mochcha Pad Bed Bakhana.' Knowledge is liberating, is the slogan of 'Manas'. 'Gyan te virati jog te gyana.' So knowledge is the path to happiness, but Tulsi also wrote in 'Uttarkanda' that the path to knowledge is the edge of grace, a sharp edge. It is very difficult to walk on it. Another vision. Whose vision? Of words, of scriptures, of principles, of verses, of sutras, whose darshan? Whose darshan of the idol, of the temple becomes the way of our life? Seeing our Sadhguru when the opportunity arises becomes the way to the happiness of our life. Go to see such a man, from the moment you set out for darshan, the joy increases and it happens that I will go, I will see, he will smile in front of me, he will ask about the situation; I will touch my feet, I will weep, my tears will be wiped away! This is not a discussion of philosophy, it is a discussion of philosophy revelation. Walking on the path doubles the happiness during the day and quadruples at night. That which destroys happiness is not the way. That which misleads us is not the way. People confuse us, this way, this way! Many people come to me and say, Bapu initiates! I do not initiate, I direct. There is joy in initiation, whoever gives it! But directing is also a lot of fun. What a joy it must have been to give initiation! But initiation should not be forced! Third, character, character, civility. Character means Sheel. It is character to treat our soul well and also to treat other people well. And very easily on the practical ground, who is Shilwan? Who is the character? Those who are full of wisdom. He who has nectar in his eye, whose eye looks like there is no nectar anywhere in that eye. Let there be truth in the promise and let it be dear truth. There should be unselfishness in deeds and austerity in conduct. That's it, that character. Fourth Lord Mahavir Prabhu says Tapa; Penance is the fourth path. I have often said that Tulsi has given many glorious definitions of austerity. Austerity makes life sweet. But Samyak Tapasya; An excess of austerities burns a man. Lord Mahavir Prabhu prescribed some external austerities and abhyantar austerities. Abhyantara Tapa is to atone for any mistake we have made. 'Michchami Dukkadam.' If something has been said to us during the year, we should ask for forgiveness and do penance. Second, Mahavira Prabhu calls Vinaya as Tapa. Vinaya is penance. It's easy to be snobbish, it's hard to be sane. Service is inner austerity. In the affirmative passage it is said, tanuja seva, service with the body; Vittaja Seva, Dhanthi Seva and Mansi Seva. There are three types of seva in the Vallabha tradition. If nothing happens, think about the good of others with good faith. So Lord Mahavir Prabhu has considered service as an austerity. Self-evident; You learn the Jin-sutra; Check arrivals; Study 'Bhagavad Gita'; Memorize 'Ramayana'; Study the Upanishads; If someone belongs to Islam, read the Holy Quran, read verses, read the Bible. Learn 'Dhammapada'. One meaning of Swadhyaya is the chapter of the self, the chapter of one's soul, the chapter of privacy, the chapter of one's nature, the contemplation of one's self. So this Swadhyaya is a great penance. Mahavir Prabhu showed some external austerities. Mahavir Prabhu says, Anshan, fasting is external penance. Thus we do many fasts. How many fasts are done in the Jain tradition! Eighth etc. is very difficult! Even in the Vaishnava tradition, one fasts on Ram Navami, one on Shravan month, one on Monday, that is external penance. Fasting is essentially external penance. In the Mahavir tradition, almsgiving is considered an external penance. Rastyaga has said asceticism. Giving up interest is a bit difficult. But those who have tasted the supreme rasa do not have to give up ordinary rasa, it is automatically released. Those who have attained the rasa of ecstasy, who have attained Paramaras, find the rasa of the world pale. Quitting is a bit egotistical, disrespectful too. There is also a bit of aggression in the release. Let loose. Bike Clash; The Clash of the Universe; Do not indulge the body too much. A person who gives extreme pleasure to the body, gives extreme suffering to the body, he soon becomes a patient. All sacrifices are required. You push the body to the extreme, you cycle on the machine after the body has grown, what is it all about? Take care of the body first. So Kayclash means some physical exertion. Gandhi-Vinobaji used to do labor and labor donation. That is external penance. At the end is written immersion. To be completely overwhelmed. To be fully involved. Don't stay away at all. Absurdity, attachment, it is considered by Lord Mahavir Prabhu as Bhirtapa. So Mahavir Prabhu says that Tapa, Seva, Darshan and Jnana are the four paths. But understand the path that continually increases happiness, continually leads us forward; That is the right way. Be it the path of knowledge, be it the path of peace, be it the path of service or be it the path of penance. }(Compilation : Nitin Vadgama)

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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