Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeHealthTips To Reduce Sugar Cravings: If you have frequent sugar cravings then reduce it...

Tips To Reduce Sugar Cravings: If you have frequent sugar cravings then reduce it with the help of these tips

We all often crave for something sweet. Especially, on special occasions, we all eat something sweet. But there are some people who have a sweet tooth and hence they keep eating sweets again and again. We all know that consuming too much sweet proves to be harmful for health. It becomes the root of many health problems ranging from obesity. Therefore, the consumption of sweets should be minimized. However, if you have frequent sugar cravings, then in such a situation you can adopt some small tips to control yourself-
take balance meal
It is very important to take a balanced meal to reduce sugar cravings. A balanced meal with a combination of protein, healthy fat and fiber stabilizes the blood sugar level, which reduces sugar cravings to a great extent. Use eggs, nuts, lean meat or tofu etc. as a protein source. Apart from this, avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil are good options as healthy fats. Apart from this, you must take whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Being fiber rich helps in keeping you full for a long time.

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stay hydrated
Sometimes our body mistakes dehydration for hunger or cravings, which leads to frequent sugar cravings. So, drink water throughout the day to reduce it. Aim to drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Apart from this, you can consume herbal tea without sugar.
Opt for natural sweeteners
If you have a sweet tooth, it is better to use natural sweeteners. This can reduce your craving for refined sugar. However, use honey, maple syrup or stevia in limited quantities. Using dates and dried fruits helps to sweeten dishes naturally. Consume it in small quantities.
increase magnesium intake
You may not know it, but magnesium deficiency can increase sugar cravings, especially chocolate cravings. So, try to increase magnesium intake in your diet. Include magnesium-rich foods like spinach, nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your diet. If necessary, consider taking magnesium supplements after talking to a health care expert.
– Mithali Jain

Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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