Tesla chief Elon Musk has accused Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg of promoting child abuse on Instagram and demanded his arrest. He took to social media on Sunday to ask how Zuckerberg is free if the government justified the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Musk said there is a big problem with child exploitation on Instagram. He faces the same charges as Durov; But Zuckerberg has not been arrested yet, as he has surrendered to the government. Musk has launched a campaign on social media for Durov's release. He said that if things continue like this, by 2030 people will be hanged for sharing memes in Europe as well. Zuckerberg apologizes in February In February, the CEO of Meta apologized to the families of the victims in the US Parliament in connection with the child abuse scandal that Musk has pointed out to Zuckerberg. There have been many cases of Meta in America. There have been allegations that Instagram is promoting suicide and child exploitation. Apart from this, several states have accused Facebook and Instagram of psychological manipulation. Due to which children are getting addicted to Instagram and Facebook.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).