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Womanology: What is Workplace Safety?

Currys get more education, women become financially self-sufficient, women are present in every profession, women also contribute to the economic development of the nation…all these are expected. So when that expectation is fulfilled and a woman moves towards a truly independent career, she gets a healthy environment for that, right? If it was only a matter of one hospital in Kolkata, it would have proved to be a hideous tragedy of history. But the picture is such that every day some line is drawn somewhere and every day there is a scream. Several laws and norms have been enacted to protect women in the workplace. Apart from this, mandatory provision of 'women cell' has been made everywhere from colleges to corporate offices. When any woman's safety is threatened or any kind of sexual harassment takes place, the incident becomes a 'case'. For this, a special committee should also make sufficient inquiries about both the parties, analyze the behavior and then announce its decision after a long time. In all these processes there is a danger of defamation on both sides. It also takes a lot of effort to collect wet. When the judgment comes, the damage is done. A woman who does not meet certain demands of her male colleague or her superior is tried to be defeated with weapons like transfer, challenging work, demotion instead of promotion or humiliation. Society is still waking up to sexual harassment of women in the workplace but nothing comes to light about other misogynistic misbehavior. Even today men with conservative patriarchal mentality never accept women as their superiors. Due to which he makes every effort to create obstacles in the administration or work of women. Due to some physical weakness and social and familial responsibility of a woman, even if there is a compromise sometimes, doubts and questions are raised about her efficiency. What can be done to protect women in the workplace? Formulation of Sexual Harassment Policy: A special committee should be formed in every small or large work or government department. In which the behaviors underlying sexual harassment are clearly defined. Not just physical touching, any type of unacceptable behavior should be paper-worked and there should be a provision for prompt resolution. Awareness and education among employees: Even today there are many businesses and organizations in India where there are no special plans for women's safety. Programs like workshops and discussions are held from time to time. For women, it is necessary to have wellness programs like medical camps for physical health as well as mental health. Freedom of expression and freedom of expression for women: Women who are victims of any form of sexual harassment naturally cannot speak publicly. A healthy environment should be created where all women employees can speak up with full self-respect and confidence.

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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