Lalit Khambhayata
It has come to light that social messaging app Telegram has handed over criminals' data to the Dutch government. Telegram is widely abused, with the highest number of users in India! February, 2022 Russia launches attack on Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelensky, sitting in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, was to address the nation. It was not decided what mode the war would take. TV-Radio broadcasts could not be trusted. Therefore, Zelensky chose the Russian media, which was not even available to Russia, to broadcast his message. The name of the medium is Telegram! Telegram app which we mainly use to download movies-books or other content has very different global usage and recognition is huge. It has been two and a half years since the Russia-Ukraine war. Even today, Zelensky posts his official announcements on the Russian-made app Telegram. Zelensky firmly believes that whatever broadcasts Russia can intercept, it cannot intercept messages on Telegram. Why only Zelensky, the world's 95 million Telegram users have the same confidence that information will not leak anywhere and that no one can stop the information being transmitted there. Not long ago, France arrested and later released one of the two founders of Telegram, Pavel Valryevich Durov. Always wearing a black t-shirt and staying in the dark like Shaktiman's Tamaraj Kilwish, Pavel is a youthful 39 years old. The founder of Telegram is also an enigma to the world. Leaving Russia to St. Kitts, leaving UAE and now holding French citizenship from 2021. * * * Russia is a country living behind the Iron Curtain. Many western (especially American) company-facilities do not have entry there. So many social media sites are banned there. In 2006, Pavel and his brother Nikolai developed a social media site called 'Viknoteke (VK)', thinking that Russia should have its own communication platform. By 2011 its popularity had spread across Russia, and in 2012 the popularity challenged the government. The government felt that anti-government, opposition parties etc. can have an uninterrupted dialogue, exchange messages on 'VK'. So the Russian government ordered 'VK' to expose them all. In fact one of the motives behind the formation of 'VK' was that no government restrictions should reach us. The government started the process of placing restrictions on VK, which VK administrators did not like. So he sold the share of 'VK' to another Russian company and left the country in 2012. After a few months of silence, Pavel announced in 2013 that we are here with an app called 'Telegram'. * * * As the influence of social media companies is increasing, their conflict with the government of various countries is also increasing. Be it X-Twitter's conflict with Brazil or Facebook-Google's clash with Europe-Australia authorities. People come to social media or messaging platforms because they can say what they cannot say elsewhere. On the other hand, governments want that if someone posts with a fake name on social media or messaging app, give us their real information, we say, block the account. If the social media companies start following the instructions of the government, people start losing trust in social media. On the other hand, if there is no ban, terrorist organizations will use all these platforms to create unrest. In fact, this has happened in the case of Telegram. A few years ago, the terrorist organization ISIS, which had set out to conquer the world, broadcast all its messages on Telegram. Only then did the opposition to Telegram grow and so did its popularity. Other terrorist organizations and anti-national elements also started using it. After repeated such complaints, Telegram has started shutting down abusive accounts. But Telegram's overall approach is that users do whatever they want, we don't tell them. That is why many countries have banned Telegram. That included Russia itself, but Russia later lifted the ban. Despite all those limitations, Telegram has not been as infamous as WhatsApp for fake news and hate speech. The term Telegram University has not even been coined. People mostly use WhatsApp for messaging, but Telegram is the first name used for non-messaging tasks. Other than that there are some apps like 'Facebook Messenger', 'Signal', 'Virk', 'Threema' which are similar to Telegram, but users are limited. Like other countries, India also had conflicts with the government. So the question was also raised that Telegram will be closed in India too? The fact is that there is no chance of this app closing down with barely 102 employees. Most of its users are in India. Indians and Telegram both need each other. }
'I heard that Facebook has hired a whole team to find out why Telegram is so popular. A number of employees work full-time investigating Telegram. I want to save Facebook millions of dollars by giving away those tips for free. All Facebook has to say is respect users' privacy.' By saying this much about the competition with Facebook-WhatsApp, Pavel has simultaneously said that there is a huge stake in maintaining the privacy of Facebook-WhatsApp users and their superiority. Many of the features we use on WhatsApp are ones that were first introduced in Telegram. But WhatsApp has copied it and brought it to us.
We mainly use Telegram there to download movies, web series, books and other content. That is not the whole identity of Telegram. The fact is that Telegram has expanded its scope by adding features from time to time. Some of the main features that have boosted the app's popularity are bots: Telegram has fewer staff, more robots. Whether it's a paid membership or a member's question…bots do the work of answering it. If the knowledge of Telegram is more, we can also take help as per our wish from bots. Large Group Chat: While 256 members are limited in WhatsApp, two lakh members can be added in Telegram. Where else can you find a better and free medium to reach a large number of people? Channels: A Telegram channel is a social media page or feed-like feature. It is also used to deliver messages to a large number of people. Users can also subscribe to channels of their choice. The controversy started because terrorists were using such a channel. Self-destructing messages: WhatsApp has a feature that automatically deletes messages after 24 hours. Telegram has already provided that facility. After some time, the message will be deleted by itself, so the privacy of the message will be preserved. Secret Chat: Telegram offers a secret feature that can only be read on the device where the message was created. So if a message is written in a mobile phone and given to someone, the message can reach them. Can't even take a screenshot of it. Unlimited Storage: Users can store as many photos and videos as they want in Telegram. It can also share files of huge size like 2 GB. If there is a premium subscription then the facility is up to four GB. Business: As WhatsApp is a business, Telegram already has a feature called 'Invite Members'. Merchants use it to reach their customers. Business keeps expanding, income keeps coming.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).