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HomeTop StoriesSwaroop Says: Six types of limitations to be maintained in life

Swaroop Says: Six types of limitations to be maintained in life

Swaroop Sampat

Boundaries play a very important role in maintaining stable relationships and self-esteem. This limit is an undrawn line that defines what is comfortable for us while protecting accepted behavior, emotional, physical and mental space. Mariya makes one important point that whoever we interact with or interact with should respect the needs of both. Then why not maintain any kind of limit! Today in this article we will learn about six types of limitations that are important to maintain in life. These include intellectual, emotional, physical, time, sexual and physical limitations. Let us first talk about intellectual limitation, it is related to our thoughts, opinions and beliefs. When we express our opinion or idea to others, it should be presented respectfully. Result-oriented discussions can be held by maintaining healthy intellectual limits, that is, when you express your thoughts or opinions with someone, you should also respect the opinions of others. Often, if someone's words or opinions are demolished without understanding it, then it can be considered as violence of the limit. Like, someone's opinion should be dismissed without understanding it. This often happens when people with different opinions express their beliefs. Most important to developing strong intellectual boundaries is to listen to others, respect the other person during the conversation, and be careful not to make people feel less important. Emotional boundaries protect our emotions so that we know how emotionally involved we are in any relationship or situation. This limit is when our personal information is to be shared with someone and if it is ignored in any way, it often breaks us on an emotional level. An emotional boundary violation occurs when there is a conflict in what one feels for another person. You may feel so much for someone, but that person says, you are overdoing it or you shouldn't feel that way. That way it hurts your feelings. In contrast, emotional restraint means respecting the other person's feelings whether you agree with them or not. Being aware of these limits can ensure that trust in relationships and the possibility of understanding each other increases. Limits in physical matters relate to one's own space and physical touch. Having these limits is necessary to protect our physical condition and thereby ensure that we are safe in our surroundings. Of course, within this limit personal closeness and physical touch can be practiced to some extent, such as 'hand-shaking' with someone, hugging or any other type of touch that preserves the dignity of the relationship. Violation of one's physical boundaries is when the other person is touched in an unwanted way. The key to healthy physical boundaries is maintaining your personal space and communicating this with the other person before intruding. Time also demands a limit. A time limit helps us to prioritize what things and needs we need. This limitation also gives an idea that how to maintain balance of time with other people, before using the other person's time for oneself, one should know whether that time is convenient for the other person or not. By maintaining these limits, you can devote yourself to a specific activity, people, or performance. Sexual boundaries in our society are tied to one's own sexual activity and comfort with touch. Among these limitations, one has to ascertain what the individual's priorities are, his desires and his limitations, and how the relationship between the two is also important. Maintaining healthy sexual boundaries requires being clear with each other about what is acceptable and what is not. Also mutual understanding is also necessary for any kind of sexual activity. Where this limit is not maintained, it includes sexual harassment, taking unwanted physical advantage or engaging in relationships against the will. Physical limitations include how we organize our own things, money and other possessions. These limits indicate which of our physical objects or content to share with others or protect. Like, often lending money to a friend, asking for other people's personal belongings, or interfering unnecessarily in their lives. When a person interferes without our permission or does not return something borrowed, he violates a physical boundary with us. The main purpose of limits is to maintain a healthy and balanced relationship with oneself as well as with others. By maintaining clear intellectual, emotional, physical, time, sexual, and physical boundaries about this, we can assess the needs of others as well as give and maintain mutual respect in all aspects of life.}

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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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