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Setu: 'Sorry Maibap!'

After the meal of Lata Hirani, the color of the meeting was frozen. Gatha and Darpan had invited friends for Sapatnik this Saturday evening. After the meal, the agenda was to sit back and reminisce old stories, chat, play cards or antakshari and party late into the night. The next day, Sunday, you can wake up peacefully. In that Gatha remembered, 'Ruchi, what happened after your work? Did you release him?' Where did the saga of Darpanne happened now? But now the matter was settled! Interest turned serious. 'No, I didn't feel right. Even though he stole, I promised him that if he admits his mistake and returns the chain, I will reward him and not leave work. It came to know that on the one hand his husband's job was gone and on the other hand the boy was sick! There was a mistake in it. It does the same thing and I don't even move behind it. Just be careful.' 'You did well. Now he won't do it again.' Sargam said. 'True Sargam. Sometimes the human spirit has to be awakened. Coercion can make anyone do anything. We also have an interesting experience, if someone lets us speak…' said Uday. 'As if we were taping your mouth!' The story is irritating. 'It is like a thief is forgiven, not a wife!' Darpan did not fail to tease. 'Leave the horizontal line, get on the track sir! That's the end of this story' shouted Varun and Uday came to life. It so happened that once in the factory at twelve o'clock at night there was a phone call saying that there has been a theft. The thief has been caught. you come A police case will have to be filed. I immediately changed clothes and ran. I warned the staff that if there is a theft, the responsible person will lose his job. I did, let's have a good result. I reached the factory. When he went and saw, two ragged men were standing as thieves. He didn't seem to have any idea about the expensive chemicals he stole. Confirmed after some inquiry. Their poverty was enough to become someone's hand. Annoy realized. A Bey's chant continued, 'Excuse me sir, you are my father!' The goods were found. So there was no damage. That's all there was to this rush. I felt better to be at their mercy than to file a police case and arrest them. I gave both of them a hundred rupee note and left them.' Uday finished talking. 'Another thing in this is that by catching those people, the police would have been able to get the names of the real thieves from them.' Aman did not remain silent. It may or may not happen. But what happens is that the police takes those poor people and oppresses them. So let's believe that there is justice in the world and leave it to the superior.' Gatha supported Udaya's decision. Now everyone was interested in this subject. Jwal picked up the thread of the conversation and said, 'Is it so little that someone steals under compulsion? When we were studying in the hostel, many people's rooms were stolen. The thief will not be caught.' 'The plant is the story. That happens in hostels.' Uday interrupted. 'Hey, man, listen. Really interesting. After years of leaving school, once a stranger deposited a thousand rupees in my account! When I saw the statement, I did not understand who sent this money. I will know what happened. A few days later I received a mail. It belonged to my room partner Vandan Patel.' 'Informing that your wedding dress has been sent!' Uday said with a smile. 'No man, here is the suspense! It so happened that while Vandanio was studying in college, he got married. Money is needed to take some gift for the wife when she goes home during the holidays. Father did not give so much money, so he used to steal! Thinking that when I earn, I will give back more than what I took. And then found out that he sent money back to many people like me! Tell me what to say to this sharif badmash?' 'I have to say, Jwal, this friend of yours has been forced out.' 'I'll prove the tune?' Darpan's father Tarunbhai entered. 'Come come uncle.' 'I was sitting outside in the facade and listening to your words, it occurred to me that I would like to share my experience and then go to sleep.' 'Tell me, father, why are you the only one left now?' 'Hmm, there was a rich boy studying in my school. He used to play a lot of tricks wearing a gold strap watch. Once it was stolen. The boys burst into laughter. One by one I called the boys who were suspicious to my cabin. asked a bit harshly. A boy cried in it. 'Sorry sir' admitted the theft. He was a poor boy. Now the one who had the watch was upset, 'give it to the police, sir' but I wrote it down and left it. If he had been handed over to the police, he would have come out as a true criminal. The point is that if punishment only reduced crime, crime would have been eradicated from the earth today. But it is not so. On the contrary, crime increases. That is the only way to let the serpent in man rise up. Tarunbhai concluded the talk by saying, 'Believe in God's justice.' 'Baba, that's enough. Stop this serious matter! What about the heat of this tea was stolen in your discussion?' Saying the song 'Rehe Na Rehe Hum… Maheka Karenge…' she went to the kitchen to reheat the tea humming the song. Gatha shouted from the kitchen, 'Daddy drink tea…' 'Then what about my sleep, Mataji!' 'Sorry my father!'

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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