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HomeTop StoriesSecurity: Does CCTV catch everything? Absolutely not!

Security: Does CCTV catch everything? Absolutely not!

Bhushan Neeru Mehta

Last time we saw what CCTV is used for and how its technology works. After that, let's know about different CCTV cameras and their understanding and misunderstandings. Various types of cameras are available as per user's requirement. Cameras that look similar may have different functions. Apart from this, now there is a very big market for WiFi cameras. In India, when you only need one or two cameras but don't want to spend cabling and other expenses, you can also install WiFi cameras. The recording of which can be seen by inserting a micro SD card in the camera and its view can be seen directly in the mobile. Now when a product is available in the market in such large quantities and according to different needs, there are many misunderstandings about it and no one is knowledgeable to resolve it, the customer gets confused. Here are some misconceptions and their answers. Misconception-1 : If you install a CCTV camera, anyone can see or steal your data. Clarification: This is completely wrong, when you install a CCTV camera, it can be viewed in two ways. One local i.e. one display where the camera is installed and another in your mobile via the cloud. In both these cases your data remains safe. Your device is mapped to your mobile number and its password is not possible unless someone has it. In many movies, you have seen that in a matter of seconds, a hacker hacks into the CCTV system and starts giving instructions to the hero. It is possible in Bollywood movies, but in reality it is not possible. Misconception-2 : Install a camera with night vision, so if its range is 30 meters, you will recognize a person standing 20 or 30 meters away. Clarity : Each camera has an IR light, which helps in night vision. This IR light turns on automatically when it gets dark. Now if the IR range of that camera is 30 meters i.e. about 90 feet, it means that this camera can see up to 30 meters even when it is dark at night. That is, any movement within the 30 meter area will be recorded. As far as person recognition is concerned, the face of a person within five to 10 feet or 15 feet of the camera can be recognized and this is quite practical, you cannot see the face of a person standing 100 feet or 200 feet away with your naked eye. But you know enough that there is someone there, right? Misconception-3 : If you install a camera with more megapixels, it will read the number plate of the vehicle. Explanation: This belief is completely wrong. ANPR i.e. Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera is required to read and store the number plate of any vehicle and these cameras are designed only for reading the number plate of the vehicle, saving it and data analysis. And even when the vehicle is moving at speed, this camera does its job perfectly. When a vehicle is stationary, even a simple camera can record what is in front of it by normal viewing, but a simple camera cannot capture the number plate of a speeding vehicle. Misconception-4 : If CCTV is installed, any crime will be solved immediately. Clarification: First of all, understand one thing that the job of CCTV is only to record the movement in front of it, at which angle the camera is installed, how much range is it, is it on or off, how many days is the recording, all these things are important aspects in solving the crime. is By watching the CCTV footage, you can only get basic information about the incident. Understand that there is a theft at a place and it is captured on CCTV, but if the thief is blindfolded, you will not be able to see who the person is. You will only know the time of the theft and how the theft took place. It may help to solve the crime, but it may not solve the crime. Misconception-5: CCTVs are installed so everything is safe. Clarification : CCTV is an electronic system and maintenance is also very important, simply leaving it on will in many cases cause the camera to be off when the footage is actually viewed. So once installing CCTV is not enough, its periodic maintenance is also necessary and from time to time you should make sure that all your cameras are working properly or not.

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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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