Ecology student Julia Christensen was also a famous ballet dancer. She used to get absorbed in the dance while rehearsing or performing. With his mind and body singled out in the dance, he is oblivious to the audience, fellow actors or anything else. It would become completely danceable. Once she suffered a serious back injury and her career as a ballet dancer was put on hold. After that his life changed completely. She could not concentrate in any work. She could not control her thoughts. It affected her peace of mind, but she didn't want to sink into depression. She delved into the study of psychology and began researching the importance of focused work. She also continued to work with the same concentration as she used to dance earlier. As a result, she regained peace of mind. Researched the topic 'Benefits of concentration in life' for a decade and then wrote a famous book about it called 'The Pathway to Flow'. Do any activity very attentively, single-mindedly, especially when you like the activity, you don't know where the time has passed. In this way, the term 'flow state' is used in psychology for the state of working with concentrated mind. 'Flow' means flow. 'Flow state' is a state of mind in which the worker forgets everything around him, even himself. In the state of being engrossed in work, time and everything else begins to flow like a river. A simple definition of 'Flow State' is given as follows – The state of being single-mindedly absorbed in one's activity is called 'Flow State'. The term was first used by a Hungarian psychologist named Mihaly Csikszentmihli. Once he saw a painter engrossed in his work for hours, he got the idea to do an in-depth study of the state of solitary work. He interviewed hundreds of people from other fields, including many artists and ordinary people. After talking to them, Mihali came to a conclusion – 'Generally we have assumed that we are completely relaxed when we are resting. But that is not true. In fact, we are happiest and most relaxed when we are concentrating on an activity with all our attention. That activity can be anything. Be it swimming, playing the violin or solving a difficult math problem. A person who concentrates on his activity can acquire the ability to use all his energies simultaneously to the greatest extent possible.' A person who works with concentration gets out of all the worldly affairs connected with him and reaches a different world. A mountaineer has said: 'I don't remember the problems of my life when I'm climbing a mountain. The very act of climbing a mountain becomes the center of my being.' A basketball player has said: 'I forget everything about myself once I enter the basketball court and start playing. It's just me and there's a basketball game.' Cricket, chess and other sports players, musicians, sculptors, painters, writers, actors, scientists. Doctors who perform surgery, information technology programmers, people who solve Sudoku and crossword puzzles—people in many fields achieve success through focused work. Like a person engrossed in reading a favorite book, a homemaker who cooks with concentration, a student engrossed in studies, a person who plays musical instruments for relaxation, people engrossed in their work find relief from the hassles of daily life and enjoy flowing in their activity. Yoga and meditation are also states of flow state. Practitioners say that we are in our best zone when we are fully immersed in our activity. To reach that kind of 'flow state' one should choose one's area of skill and interest and work with a clear goal. That kind of mental state has many advantages and some disadvantages too. The benefits are that the self-confidence and creativity of people who can work with concentration increases. They develop a sense of finding a way out of any difficult problem. They can fulfill a specific purpose in their life. However, if you get into the habit of doing too much, that is also wrong. Because of this, we cannot devote enough time to family members, friends, co-workers and others. Often times, when someone finds it difficult to concentrate while working, it leads to depression and increased anxiety levels. However, a person who concentrates on what he has set out to do feels successful and happy and gets the satisfaction of accomplishing something important. As someone has said, a person working with complete concentration is at the highest peak of his mind. }
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).