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HomeTop StoriesAdhiakharu Kutch: Ra Deshalji of Kutch sought the help of two thieves like Thakur...

Adhiakharu Kutch: Ra Deshalji of Kutch sought the help of two thieves like Thakur of 'Sholay'

Naveen Joshi

Bo Leewood's famous film 'Sholay' was made in 1975, a similar incident has been recorded in Kutch Raj 200-250 years ago. Although this incident has not come to light as much as it should because of lawlessness but the fact is that Jataveera's Mandu and Bhadli's Aso i.e. 'Ashiya-Mandiya' duo like Sholay's Viru and Jai courageously helped Kutch Raj. Both of them who were indomitable thieves, robbers and raiders of that time but when it came to the 'Ra' of Kutch, they proved to be the 'Father' of Radhanpur Nawab. It is 263 years ago from today, that is, during Savant 1875-1917. From 1819 to 1861 during the reign of Maharao Deshalji II who ruled Kutch. Once Deshalji traveled with his rasala to find out the happiness and sorrows of the people and when he camped near Shikarpur in Bhachau taluka, the Kalangi of 'Ra' was stolen overnight from his Rawti. Of the Kalangi with the turban, only the Kalangi thief gave an open challenge to Kutch and the state, the Pagi distinguished the foot. Marks were found on the neighborhood's chorad area, everyone remained silent as the nose was cut, but the Kalangi theft started to be discussed slowly. As the British government's political agents and soldiers are also in Kutch, they have to report the theft according to the rules and their noses are cut off at home and abroad. As they did not have to face such accusations, the word did not reach the British, but as the courtiers could not bear the noise of the royal, the investigation continued, but quietly… Meanwhile, one of Palanswa's Charan named Wachha Garhvi went to the court of the Radhanpur Nawab Joravarkhan in the Chorad region and recognized the cutch kalangi in the Nawab's turban. went and he brought this matter to Bhuj. Radhanpur kingdom, identical ornaments, dress so why talk about Kalangi again? Even the British were not informed. However, it was established that Kalangi belonged to Kutch Raj, so politics started to get it back and the thieves named 'Ashiya-Mandiya', the thieves named 'Ashiya-Mandiya', who were the indomitable usurpers of that time, were entrusted with the task. Bring back this kalangi.' Both the thieves agreed and after getting all the information they made a plan for six and a half months and reached Radhanpur Nawab's palace in the middle of the night. When the Nawab made such a challenge, Mandu replied 'Tera Bap' and ran away… But an army of horsemen fell behind… Thieves gave it to the Nawab at the risk of their lives.) Running directly from Radhanpur, Bhuj cut off 100 gowns in 24 hours and reached the concerned officer and handed over kalangi, jewelry, turban, gold jamai (spear). The police of Radhanpur also reached Bhuj in the evening watching the steps through the footpaths. Now at that time there was British law between the neighboring kingdoms. The state which traces the footprints of the accused shall either hand over the accused or provide proof that the footprints have left its state. On the instructions of Rao Deshlaji, Kutch police footmen showed the footprints of both of them till Mandvi and after proving that they had gone to Arabia by sea, the police returned to Radhanpur. At that time the political agent of Kutch was Rao, whose spies brought this scandal to him, and he expressed to Ra Deshlji his desire to see these two brave thieves, but Ra said, 'I myself have not seen them.' Following the political agent's repeated request, Ra spoke to the two thieves again and both the thieves met the agent one by one. Aso came to know that the case was going on in Rao's court in the name of someone else by changing his disguise, so the political agent said that he did not show any bravery by 'disguising'. One night, when the political agent was fast asleep, the police came to his house as a mandu butler. He went and woke him up and said face to face 'I am Mandu thief'… Then he ran away, he has not been caught till today… If the thief comes in front of the royal and is recognized, then he has to be punished, so these two were given a message that 'You must not come before the king'. The two thieves who loved the state did not harm anyone in Kutch. They used to hide in Sindh, Chorad, Haat Mari region in Kutch and Kutch police did not chase them or catch them. Even though he was a thief, he brought back the Kalangi of Kutch Raj with interest from the Nawab and kept Ra's vat, so should he be called a warrior or a smuggler…? (Reference : Kutch Darshan-Shambhudanji Gadvi)

See also  Vasundhara's beloved haunts: Jamnagar tour of black pheasants found only in Kutch

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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