Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit Nene on Friday, her husband Dr. Shriram Nene reached Udaipur in the Mclaren 750s of Rs 6 crore. In Udaipur on Friday, MClaren Automotive celebrates the launch...
India's star badminton player PV Sindhu has tied the knot. He got married in Udaipur, Rajasthan. PV Sindhu's wedding was attended by many celebrities. She is married to Venkat Dutta Sai....
In the Gujarati film industry, there is a buzz of marriage at present. Well-known actor Malhar Thakar of Gujarati film world and actress Pooja Joshi got married not long ago. After...
India's star badminton player PV Sindhu is going to get married. She will marry Hyderabad-based Venkat Dutta Sai on December 22 in Udaipur. Venkat is the Executive Director at Poseidex Technologies.Sindhu's...
The controversy that broke out in the former royal family of Udaipur is still going on. Vishwaraj Singh Mewar had darshan of Mewar ruler Dev Eklingji on Wednesday 48 hours after...
After the death of Mahendra Singh Mewar, a former member of the royal family of Udaipur and former MP Mahendra Singh Mewar, a controversy has erupted over the coronation ceremony of...
Bollywood famous singer Nitin Mukesh's younger son Naman Nitin Mukesh got married in a five star hotel in Hawala, Udaipur. Naman, who himself is active in acting and film direction, is...