Actor Varun Kulkarni, seen in Shah Rukh Khan and Prateek Gandhi's series 'Scam 1992', is admitted to hospital. According to his close relatives, the actor is struggling financially and does not...
Dr. Jai Narayan VyasWhat is the definition of happiness? Everyone has their own way of understanding something. Where one sees the glass as half full, another sees it as half empty....
Ratan Tata and Shantanu NaiduHe had just crossed the threshold of eighteen years of age. The beard and mustache had started to grow but the naivety, childishness, facial hair had not...
Dr. Jai Narayan VyasA model industrial group of the country, whose activities were spread abroad, was headed by J.R.D. Tata was He integrated all these companies through the activities of the...
Dr. Jai Narayan VyasMaa has enumerated six enemies - work, anger, greed, infatuation, drunkenness and envy. Kami, said for, diva pashyati nolook: kako naktam na pashyati apoorva: kopi kamandh diva naktam...