film Rahul Dholakia, who directed Shah Rukh Khan in 'Raees', has directed 'Agni', a film based on fire fighters. The film sheds light on the lives of firefighters, who save the...
Voting begins today for all 288 assembly seats in Maharashtra. The result will be out on 23rd November. Voting is taking place amid ironclad security. Many celebs have reached early morning...
After Salman Khan, now Shahrukh Khan has received death threats. Shah Rukh Khan's team has filed a complaint after receiving a threat on his mobile phone.The police started an investigation Bollywood...
Chunky Pandey recently spoke about his film career. He said that when he made his debut in Bollywood, he achieved success very quickly. However, before the first film was released, there...
President Joe Biden will vote in America today, Monday (late Monday night Indian time). According to the BBC, former President Barack Obama voted by mail just last week. As of Saturday,...
Even before Diwali, the pre-Diwali parties of the film industry have started. Recently, designers Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla hosted a Diwali party, which was attended by many celebrities from the...
Western Australia has created a unique record in Australia's domestic one-day cup tournament. The team lost 8 wickets in 1 run.In the match played between Western Australia and Tasmania at the...