Actress Indira Krishnan worked with Salman Khan in the film 'Tere Naam'. In a recent interview, Indira revealed that she slapped Salman Khan in a scene. However, Salman Khan threatened him...
Rohit Shetty's film 'Singham Again' is all set to release on the occasion of Diwali. The film has been passed by the Censor Board. However, along with giving the film a...
The film 'Lootera' released in 2013 is counted among the best films of Ranveer Singh's career. Recently, the film's director Vikramaditya Motwani said that Ranveer Singh's passion for the film was...
Filmmaker Luv Ranjan has revealed that Ranbir gave 37 takes for a scene in the film 'Main Juthi Tu Makkar'. Even after this, Ranbir said that if Ranjan is not happy...
'I am not comfortable with kissing scenes on screen. I have a limit, I can never cross it. I was asked to wear a short dress in a film. I categorically...