Renowned filmmaker and journalist Preetish Nandy died of a heart attack on Wednesday. He was 73 years old and suffering from pancreatic cancer. Anupam Kher announced his death by posting on...
Even on the 10th day of the winter session of Parliament, there was a huge uproar over the Adani issue. Meanwhile, the opposition is preparing to move a no-confidence motion against...
Proceedings of the winter session of Parliament, which began on November 25, have stalled due to opposition protests demanding a debate on Adani, Manipur and Sambhal.Wednesday is the 7th day of...
The Banking Amendment Bill 2024 has been passed in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday (December 3). Many important changes will be made under this Banking Amendment Bill. Will amend the Reserve...
The largest contributor to the country's GST collection is the expenditure incurred by the common man on his daily necessities. The 18% slab contributes about 75% to the total GST collection,...
The biggest contribution to the country's GST collection is the expenditure made by the common man on his daily needs. According to the information given by the Finance Ministry in the...
Avadh Ojha, who did UPSC coaching, has joined the Aam Aadmi Party. The party's national convener Arvind Kejriwal and senior party leader Manish Sisodia have inducted Awadh Ojha into the party.Oja...
The Central Government has removed the Special Additional Excise Duty (SAED), i.e. windfall tax, imposed on Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF), Petrol and Diesel. Now refining companies exporting petrol and diesel will...
The Central Government has removed the Special Additional Excise Duty (SAED), i.e. windfall tax, imposed on Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF), Petrol and Diesel. Now refining companies exporting petrol and diesel will...
The proceedings of the House lasted only 40 minutes in the 4 days of the winter session which started from November 25. (file)Monday is the fifth day of the winter session...