Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: remedies

If cough and cold bother you in the changing weather, then treat yourself with these home remedies, you will get relief soon

The changing weather brings with it many diseases. After the rainy season, the cold has started knocking. In the rainy season, people are increasingly suffering from cough and cold. Medicines prove...

5 major reasons for the increase in UTI cases in women during the rainy season, these 8 home remedies will keep you safe

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are frequent infections that affect the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Women are particularly susceptible to UTIs, with cases increasing during the...

Even stubborn belly fat will go away, just include these 5 home remedies in your diet

Obesity is increasing among people due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits. What to do to lose weight in today's time, home remedies to lose weight, how to reduce belly...

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