'The Roshans', a documentary series based on the life of the Roshan family, is set to release on Netflix on January 17. Ahead of the release of the series, a video...
Rakesh, father of actress Ashika Bhatia, who was seen in Salman Khan's film 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo', has passed away. After the death of her father on November 25, the actress...
Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan starrer blockbuster film 'Karan Arjun' is going to re-release in cinemas worldwide on 22nd November. Recently, producer-director Rakesh Roshan had a special conversation with Frontpage...
Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait says that Salman Khan should go to Bishnoi temple and apologize. Rakesh Tikait said, 'This is a matter related to society. Salman Khan should go to the...