Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan is going to debut as a director in Bollywood. A video has surfaced from Aryan's web series 'Stardom' shooting set. In the video the Aryan...
Kareena Kapoor's latest video is trending on social media, in which she is seen surrounded by fans at the airport. However, in this video, she is not only surrounded by fans...
Last year in 2024, many famous celebrities passed away, causing mourning across the country. Now Amitabh Bachchan has also given a message of Hindu-Muslim unity by mentioning all the celebrities in...
Actress Vedhika Kumar has worked in all South languages as well as Hindi films. Recently, the actress visited Frontpage Insights's office in Mumbai and had an exclusive conversation about her journey...
Kiara Advani will soon be seen in the film 'Game Changer' with Ram Charan. The film will release on January 10, 2025. Recently the song 'Dhop' was released from this film....
Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hosted the Indian cricket team at Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday. PM Albanese praised Jasprit Bumrah and Virat Kohli for their match-winning performances in the...