Haryana's Olympic medalist golden boy Neeraj Chopra has tied the knot. He took 7 overs with Himani More on 17 January. This came to light when Neeraj shared the photos on...
India's Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra has tied the knot. Javelin thrower Neeraj posted 3 pictures from his wedding on social media late at 9.40 pm on Sunday. His wife Himani, mother...
The year 2024 was historic for India in terms of cricket, Paralympics and chess. India created history by winning the T-20 World Cup after 17 years. The country managed to win...
Indian javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra's Paris Olympics jersey has been included in the World Athletics Heritage Collection. Tokyo Olympic gold medalist Neeraj won a silver medal at the Paris Olympic Games...
ICC President Jay Shah met Cindy Hook, CEO of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organizing Committee (OCOG).With Jai Shah becoming the new president of ICC, he has started working...