Currently, an old video of Varun Dhawan is going viral, in which he keeps kissing the actress despite the director saying cut. After this video went viral, Varun is being heavily...
Nargis Mohammadi, the imprisoned Nobel Prize winning women's rights activist and journalist in Iran, has been released on bail for 3 weeks. Nargis has been in jail since November 2021. She...
Alia Fakhri, the actress seen in big films like 'Rockstar', 'Madras Cafe', 'Housefull 3' and sister of American fashion model Nargis Fakhri, has been accused of double murder. Alia is arrested...
Rockstar fame Nargis Fakhri's sister Alia has been arrested by the New York police. She is accused of murdering her ex-boyfriend. According to reports, Alia set fire to a garage in...
A case of a student walking around naked in the capital of Iran, Tehran, has come to light. According to news agency AFP, the incident took place on Saturday at Tehran's...