Renowned filmmaker, director and writer Shyam Benegal passed away on December 23. 90-year-old filmmaker Shyam Benegal breathed his last at Wockhardt Hospital at 6:38 pm, his last rites will be performed...
Former Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has blamed interim government chief Mohammad Yunus for attacks and killings on minorities. While addressing a seminar in New York virtually, Hasina said-“I am being...
Adani Group's troubles are mounting amid allegations of bribery in the US. It has been recommended to set up an agency to investigate the power deal struck with the Adani Group...
The troubles of Adani Group, which is surrounded by bribery allegations in America, are increasing. It has been recommended to set up an agency to investigate the power agreement signed with...
The murder case registered against Bangladesh's former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was heard in a Dhaka court on Saturday. According to Bangladeshi newspaper Daily Star, the court has asked the police...