Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: follow

Respiratory diseases bother the elderly, so follow these tips to avoid them

With age, the risk of many diseases increases. With increasing age, problems like BP, sugar, heart diseases and joint pain become common. Respiratory diseases are more common in old age. Shortness...

32% of adults in India suffer from gas, acidity problems: Drink warm water, avoid junk food, follow these 10 tips and get rid of...

According to Statista's 2021 survey report, around 32% of adults aged 30 to 44 in India suffer from gas, acidity and indigestion. This problem is more common among the elderly and...

Does eating fiber rich food cause bloating in your stomach? Then follow these tips

Fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet, but many people experience bloating or gas when they eat it. So, why does this happen? Soluble fiber, which is found in...

Arthritis: If you always have pain in your joints, then follow these tips, you will get relief

With increasing age, the problem of joint and bone pain starts increasing. At the age of 45-50, the risk of arthritis increases significantly in people. Due to this problem, people start...

Marak Marak: If you follow your wife, your heart will not be troubled

Dhruv Borisagar A young man who wanted to get married came to me and said, 'If virgins fast to get a good groom, where should I fast to get a good...

Bone Health: Follow these measures to strengthen bones even at the age of 50, know what the experts say

With increasing age, the risk of bone weakness and bone-related disorders increases. Problems like arthritis and osteoporosis make it difficult for people to even get up and walk. According to health...

If you are fasting on Janmashtami, then follow the doctor's advice to keep blood pressure and sugar under control

Most people observe a day-long fast on the day of Krishna Janmashtami. Many people make and eat a variety of sweet dishes including Paag throughout the day. You will hardly find a...

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