Actor Vindu Dara Singh recently spoke about his experience playing the role of Hanuman in the show 'Jai Veer Hanuman'. He said he wanted to keep his father's legacy alive. In...
Bollywood actor Jaideep Ahlawat's father Dayanand Ahlawat was cremated in his ancestral village. Meanwhile, the people of Kharkada village of Rohtak were also present to bid him farewell. It was Jaideep...
Shikha Talsania, daughter of Bollywood and Gujarati cinema's famous comedian actor Tiku Talsania, has given an update on her father's health. Shikha thanked the fans and said that it was a...
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's father Joseph Prabhu passed away on November 29. The actress emotionally shared the news of her father's demise on social media. Meanwhile, a recent interview of Samantha is...
A 6-year-old student was crushed by a van driver in Haryana's Panipat. Due to which he died. The student was returning from school in this van. As she began to move...
Ramesh RawalQuestion: My mother was born in Uganda. Had to come back to India in 1972 due to Idi Amin's rule in 1958. And he had a British passport, which I...
The responsibility of taking care of the child belongs to the father as much as the mother. As the relationship between a mother and a newborn child cannot be compared to...