New internet sensation and popular personality Shalini Pasi recently entered 'Bigg Boss 18' as a contestant. Known for her soft and calm personality and philanthropy in the arts industry, Shalini's entry...
Bollywood actor Salman Khan has once again received a threat. On Wednesday night, an unidentified man entered the shooting area of his film in Mumbai's Dadar without permission. When the crew...
The world's all-time great boxer Mike Tyson has entered the ring after 19 years. The match was played at the AT&T Stadium in Texas. Tyson faced 27-year-old American boxer Jack Paul,...
The newly elected US President Donald Trump is making appointments to important positions in his government. Trump has appointed Hindu leader Tulsi Gabbard as the Director of National Intelligence. He made...
September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society started it to spread awareness about ovarian cancer among people. According to a 2019 report by the Indian Council of Medical...