The new trailer of Kangana Ranaut's most awaited film 'Emergency', who has been busy with flop and disaster films for the past 9 years, has been released. The film is going...
In Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, a class 12 student shot dead the school principal, Surendra Kumar Saxena. He died on the spot. The case is from Dhamura Government School around 1 pm...
Delhi's average AQI was 423 at 7 pm on Wednesday.The graded response action plan has been modified in view of the continuously increasing air pollution in Delhi for the last 20...
On Sunday morning, Delhi recorded an average AQI of 428.Pollution levels in Delhi were recorded in the severe category for the fifth consecutive day. According to the Central Pollution Control Board...
Among the sectors with growth potential in the country is emerging technologyIndia is on track to increase its workforce from 42.3 crore in 2023 to 45.7 crore by 2028, which will...
Amit Shah announced BJP's manifesto for Maharashtra elections. Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis was also present.The BJP has released its manifesto (resolution letter) for the Maharashtra assembly elections on Sunday. Home Minister...
Rahul Gandhi heard the story of his life struggle while getting a shave at Ajit's shop in Delhi.Rahul Gandhi shared a video on Twitter, in which he visited a barber shop....