'The Roshans', a documentary series based on the life of the Roshan family, is set to release on Netflix on January 17. Ahead of the release of the series, a video...
Director Indra Kumar has revealed that none of Madhuri Dixit's films worked in the 80s. The film she appeared in flopped. Due to this, the people of the industry started to...
The famous TV show 'Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma' is everyone's favorite show. Makers Asit Modi's show has been around for over 15 years. Recently, American actor Kal Penn reached the...
Indian cinema veterans Dharmendra and Amitabh have been good friends for years. Their friendship became closer with the film 'Sholay'. It was because of Dharmendra that Amitabh got the film 'Sholay'....