Bollywood actor Ananya Pandey along with her mother Bhavna Pandey and sister Risa Pandey had darshan at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. Meanwhile, the actress was seen wearing a white floral...
Salman Khan has again received a threat in the name of Lawrence on Tuesday morning. A message received in the Mumbai control room said that if Salman Khan does not go...
On Tuesday morning again, Bollywood Salman Khan received a threat in the name of Lawrence. The message in the Mumbai control room said that if Salman Khan does not go to...
The accused who threatened Salman Khan with death and demanded a ransom of Rs 2 crore was arrested by the Mumbai police on Wednesday. He was identified as Azam Mohammad Mustafa...
On October 12, NCP Ajit faction leader Baba Siddiqui was assassinated in Mumbai. Gangster Lawrence and his gang claimed responsibility for the murder.Baba Siddiqui was also a very close friend of...