Friday, September 20, 2024

Tag: anxiety

Many diseases are a sign of vitamin deficiency: Vitamin D deficiency can also cause high BP and anxiety.

Eyesight is decreasing. The skin begins to dry or the gums and nose bleed frequently. This can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins such as A, E and K.In fact,...

Are you also suffering from driving anxiety: shaking hands, sweating, how to overcome this fear, 6 tips from a counselor will make you healthy

According to a survey by the American mobile computing company 'The Zebra', more than 50% of people in the world are afraid of driving. Before going somewhere or while driving, their...

Bhaskar Special: Nature's Respite for Those Struggling with Mental Health, Better than Drugs, Increases Happiness and Reduces Anxiety

Retreating to nature is proving to be effective for people struggling with mental health issues. In England, this experiment was done on 8,000 people with the support of the government. These...

It is not good for children to be too obedient: social anxiety is the reason behind this somewhere, isn't it?; Learn how to overcome...

A new type of problem is emerging in children growing up in nuclear families. They don't want to mix with people. They are not even introduced to many people except their...

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