Karan Johar has recently announced a film with Kartik Aryan. Both are coming up with a romantic comedy film. The title of the film is 'Tu Meri Mein Tera, Mein Tera...
After Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai and Tata Motors, now Honda Cars India has also announced to increase the prices of its cars. The company's vice-president marketing Kunal Bahl said that the price...
Audi recently announced a recall in the Indian market. In this recall, Audi has recalled its flagship electric sports car range. A total of 31 units of the company are involved...
After Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai, now Mahindra & Mahindra has also announced to increase the prices of its vehicles. The company will increase the prices of the entire range of sports...
Hyundai vehicles will cost up to Rs 25,000 from the new year. The company has decided to increase prices due to increase in input cost, exchange rate and logistics. The increased...
The bus accident took place 30 km before Gondia.12 passengers were killed and 18 passengers were injured in a bus accident in Maharashtra's Gondia on Friday afternoon. Shivshahi Bus (MH 09...
Social media influencer and actress Kusha Kapila got married to Zoravar Ahluwalia in 2017. But after six years of marriage, both got divorced in 2023. Now Kusha has spoken about her...
Sana Khan of 'Bigg Boss' fame is going to be a mother again. He gave this information through social media. Ever since the pregnancy news broke, Sana has been receiving congratulations...
Released on November 15, the film 'The Sabarmati Report' is constantly in the headlines. After critical acclaim, the film is now getting political support as well. Recently the film has been...
The film 'The Sabarmati Report' will be tax free in Haryana. Deputy Chief Minister Naib Saini announced this after watching the film in Chandigarh late at night. He said that the...