Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit Nene on Friday, her husband Dr. Shriram Nene reached Udaipur in the Mclaren 750s of Rs 6 crore. In Udaipur on Friday, MClaren Automotive celebrates the launch...
Sonakshi Sinha hosted a grand party for her father and Hindi film industry veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha. Although Shatrughan Sinha's birthday was on December 9 and Sonakshi's husband Zaheer Iqbal's birthday...
Bollywood stars welcomed the New Year in their own way. Bollywood actress Mouni Roy also went to celebrate the New Year party with her husband and her best friend Disha Patani,...
Actress Kusha Kapila divorced her husband Zoravar Ahluwalia in the year 2023, after which she faced a lot of criticism on social media. Recently, Kusha's mother Rita Kapila spoke about her...
Priyanka Chopra's mother Madhu Chopra recently shared an incident related to Hrithik Roshan. He said that when Priyanka's father was battling cancer, Hrithik Roshan helped him. Priyanka's mother said that the...
Rupali Ganguly, who became popular with her character in the TV show 'Anupama', is in discussion about her personal life these days. Recently his step daughter Esha Verma leveled some serious...