India's star badminton player PV Sindhu has tied the knot. He got married in Udaipur, Rajasthan. PV Sindhu's wedding was attended by many celebrities. She is married to Venkat Dutta Sai. He is a businessman. Sindhu and Venkat got married as per Hindu customs. Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat arrived at Sindhu's wedding. He has also shared this photo on social media.
PV Sindhu's wedding invited some celebrities along with close relatives, but this was accomplished only by a limited number of people. Now the reception will be held on Tuesday. Many giants can reach. Sindhu also invited the legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar. She herself went to Sachin's house with Venkat. Sindhu and Venkat got married at Hotel Raffles in Udaipur.
PV Sindhu was seen in a special saree Usually brides are seen wearing red for weddings, but Sindhu wore a special saree. She chose a golden cream colored saree. Earlier, a special dress was also seen in Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma's wedding. Sindhu is looking very beautiful in golden cream color saree.
A picture of PV Sindhu and her husband-to-be when they went to invite Sachin.
At night Fera, Rajnath Singh blessed All the wedding ceremonies were done according to South Indian customs. In the evening Varmala took place and at night. Mewari and Rajasthani dishes were also served to the guests at the wedding along with South Indian dishes. The wedding was rumored to include celebrities among the guests, but only a few special guests turned up. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh arrived and blessed the couple.
PV Sindhu's husband Venkat Dutta Sai.
Know who is PV Sindhu's husband Venkat Dutta Sai? PV Sindhu's future husband Venkat Dutta Sai aka VD Sai holds a Diploma in Liberal Arts and Science/Liberal Studies from the Foundation of Liberal and Management Education. Venkat completed BBA Accounting and Finance from Flame University of Business Administration in 2018. After that completed Masters Degree in Data Science and Machine Learning from International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).