The third match of the ongoing T20 series between India and England will be played in Rajkot on January 28, which has led to a cricket fever in the city. The Indian team is scheduled to stay at the Sayaji Hotel on Kalawad Road and the England team at Fortune Hotel on 150 -foot Ring Road. Indian and England team players were welcomed on Sunday evening at the Saiyaji Hotel on Kalawad Road on the arrival of Rajkot and welcomed a book on the red carpet. The third match of the ongoing T20 series between India and England is to be held in Rajkot on January 28, which is being finalized for all preparations, which are being finalized. Two days before the match, the players of both teams arrived in Rajkot on Sunday, January 26, in which Team India players are to invest at Hotel Sayaji on Kalawad Road while England will stay at Hotel Fortune on 150 -foot Ring Road. Indian players were welcomed at the Kathiawadi Thaha, wearing a book on the red carpet. All the players, including Captain Sury Kumar Yadav, Hardik Pandya, Tilak Verma, Sanju, Arshadeep, Akshar Patel, were also welcomed at Sayaji Hotel as well as team coach Gautam Gambhir, Sitanshu Kotak, and support staff. Each of the hotel rooms has been decorated on the Royal Rajwadi theme. Team India have been allotted 70 rooms at Hotel Sayaji. In which Team India captain and coach will be allotted a special presidential suite room. Specifications including 100 Mbps Internet Speed, Jacuzzi Bath, Meeting Room, One King Size Bed and Sound Proof Room are made available within this presidential suite room. Each room in the hotel is decorated on the Royal Rajwadi theme. Different photos of the Heritage Palace of Gujarat and India have been placed inside the room. In the morning, breakfast, jalebi, bags will be served as well as a gym, swimming pool for Team India players. It is worth mentioning here that some of Team India players have already invested at the Sayaji Hotel in Rajkot, so they have also been preparing by the hotel staff to serve their favorite dishes. Gujarati dishes will also be served this time in which breakfast, jalebi, bags etc. will be served in the morning, while in the afternoon, Sayaji Special Gujarati Thali and yogurt will be served at night, bread, khichdi, curry, bread, bread. Cutouts with Team India welcome on the road have been seen when the ongoing series between India and England has begun when cricket fever is being seen in Rajkot. Team India players are seeing cutouts and welcome banner hoardings outside the hotel as well as on the road. It is worth mentioning that, so far, a total of 11 international matches have been played at Khandheri Cricket Stadium in Rajkot, including 3 Tests, 5 T-20 and 4 ODIs. In addition, for the first time in January 2025, the Woman's Team of India also became the guest of Rajkot, in which Indian women cricketers set a record against Ireland and won a brilliant one-day international series.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).