Known as 'Suri Paji' in the world of sports, Surpreet Singh Khalsa. Since 2013, has been continuously working in this field and organized many events. It has experience of more than 100 events so far. Has served as a Race Director for over 45 races. So more than 50 have been functioning as routes-in-charge. The same Suri Paji is now only the third person from India and the first from Gujarat, who has received accreditation in International Certified Course Measurement (technical language) from World Athletics and AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races).
Frontpage Insights spoke to them…let's know what this accreditation is in fact and what is their role in the race…
Question: What does this certificate mean..? Answer: I recently received a certificate that is certified by World Athletics and AIMS, (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races). Accredited in International Certified Course Measurement (Technical Language). Route measurement has to be done, it has to be certified. It is certified to measure the exit distance of 42.195 km in a full marathon or 21.0975 km in a half marathon. Races that want to be AIMS/World Athletics certified, contact us. We measure the route by cycling and then generate a report and issue a certificate. We measure all these according to the distance determined by the marathon organiser.
Suri Paji during the National Games held in Ahmedabad.
Question: What did you do to get this certificate? Answer: I have been a runner myself, been in this field for 15 years. This is my profession. Be it race director or route measurement or advisor, I am in this field. As spectator has cricket, football, similarly, participation sport has marathon.
Now to take this forward I participated in a workshop in Bengaluru in 2017. After attending the workshop I was submitting reports till 2024. In which I would show the work I have done in different marathons. 2024 assessment in Bengaluru (there is an exam). Including how to ride a bicycle, how to make a map. How do I take readings? After all these people give accreditation. So far only 3 people have got this certificate (accreditation) from all over India. Of which I have received at present. I am the first from Gujarat and the third in India to receive this accreditation.
Question: Now where will you go next…where will this work for you..? Answer: As I said it took me 7-8 years to get this certificate. This certificate also has three different grades. A,B, and C. Now I got a B grade. We all know that there is a plan to hold Olympics in Ahmedabad. In which we are also thinking to bid. The marathon you see now will be held at the Olympics. So I still have a target of getting 'A' grade by working hard for 10-12 years. So that I can be this route measurer in the Olympics. To have such a big event at our home, and to participate in it, is a huge achievement.
Question: A device used in a bicycle, what is it? Answer: Certified courses are measured using a device called a Jones counter, which is attached to the hub of a bicycle wheel. Temperature and tire pressure affect the number of counts per mile or km, the Jones counter must be calibrated at least four times before each measurement session and another four times after each measurement session. This calibration ride is performed on a straight, flat, paved calibration course, usually 300-400 meters in length. Any calibration course is measured twice using a steel tape. The temperature of the steel tape is also a factor. Once a calibration course is standardized, it can be used for measurements at many other marathon events in the future. Measurements are taken for the shortest possible route for runners.
The same device is used in bicycles.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).