The shortlisted players for the National Sports Awards have been announced. Four players, including shooter Manu Bhakar and world chess champion D Gukesh, will be awarded the Khel Ratna. This includes the names of hockey team captain Harmanpreet Singh and para athlete Praveen Kumar. 30 players will be given Arjuna Award.
Manu won a double medal at the Paris Olympics Manu Bhakar won a double Olympic medal at the Paris Olympic Games held in August-September. She finished third in the 10m air pistol individual and mixed doubles. Based on his two medals, India won a total of 6 medals at the Paris Olympics.
Under the captaincy of Harmanpreet, India won bronze at the Paris Olympics Under the captaincy of Harmanpreet Singh, the Indian hockey team won a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics 2024 and a gold medal at the Asian Games 2022. At the same time, Harmanpreet has won the Player of the Year title at the FIH Awards three times.
National Sports Award The National Sports Award is given for significant contribution in the field of sports in India. In which players, coaches or organizations are honored with six different awards for their achievements and contribution to the development of Indian sports.
The six major awards in India's national sports awards are the Khel Ratna, the Arjuna Award, the Dronacharya Award, the Dhyan Chand Award, the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Trophy (also known as the Maka Trophy) and the National Sports Encouragement Award.
The Tenzing Norgay National Adventure Award has been presented since 2004 along with six national sports awards.
Last year, 26 players received the Arjuna Award Last year, 26 players, including cricketer Mohammad Shami, received the Arjuna Award. While 5 coaches received Dronacharya Award. Badminton star duo Satvik Sairaj and Chirag Shetty were conferred the Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award.
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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).