Samsung has launched a 2025 lineup of Baspok AI Windfree Air Conditioners in India. The company revealed that the new series of 19 models fulfills the growing demand for Indian users. Windfree cooling technology spreads the air slowly through 23,000 micro halls, removing direct air directly. The AI Fast and Comfort Cooling Feature cools the entire room quickly and automatically changes energy settings to help users save energy. Samsung has a new line of Rs 32,990. The new series of Bespok AI Air Conditioners is available on all major retail stores and online platforms, including Flipkart, Amazon and
These features will be found in Windfree Air Conditioners Samsung's new Air Conditioner Series also has smartths connectivity, which offers features such as map view for remote monitoring and quick remote for easy control. This new series can connect to Samsung's Smartthings app using AC, Wi-Fi.
Change the settings or turn on/off using Bixby Voice Assistant, Alexa and Google Home. With Smart AI Auto Cooling and Geo-Fencing based Welcome Cooling Facility you can automatically cool your room before reaching home.
The new AC also has a 'good sleep' mode that automatically controls the atmosphere all night and helps you get a pleasant sleep. AI Energy mode automatically configures cooling settings to save up to 30% of power.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).