WhatsApp is constantly updating new features for its mobile users as well as web users. Now a special update has been made for web users. WhatsApp has named this feature as 'Reverse Image Search'. In this feature, users will instantly verify any photo found by Google. This will make it easier to detect whether any image they receive is genuine or fake. This feature is being worked on and may be rolled out in future updates.
What is the benefit of this feature? Internet fake news is the biggest problem nowadays. Claims are often made with fake photographs, leading to social unrest and even violence. Also, with the advent of AI, even images are being shared that look real, but are being circulated on social media with ulterior motives.
How will it work? With the help of this feature coming to WhatsApp web, users will be able to reverse search any image on the app directly on Google. Till now, they had to download the image and upload it to Google for reverse search. Now the search option on the web will be seen as a menu with 3 dots appearing above the image. Select the 'Search on the Web' option. By selecting the option, that image will be searched in Google's database. Hence if the image has been edited by someone, it will be known. If it is available on Google, its full reference can be found by visiting the original website.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).