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Insulin resistance increases the risk of 31 diseases: diabetes, hypertension and heart attack risk, improve habits

A study was recently presented at the annual summit of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). This study found that insulin resistance is directly related to 31 diseases. Due to which there is a risk of hypertension, heart disease and sleep problems. Due to this, women's risk of early death also increases by 11%. Insulin resistance is a complex condition in which our body becomes completely unable to respond to insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by our pancreas. It is very important in controlling our blood sugar levels and many other body functions. According to a study published in the Journal of Endochronological Investigation, 15.5 to 46.5% of adults worldwide are experiencing some form of insulin resistance. In the early stages it can be controlled by changing lifestyle and eating habits. If this condition continues for a long time, it can cause many types of diseases. So, today in 'Health Water' we will talk about insulin resistance. You will also learn – How insulin works in a healthy body What the EASD study found Researcher Jing Wu from Shandong University in China and his team analyzed data from around 429,000 people from the UK Biobank database. It was found that most cases of insulin resistance are found in men, cigarette smokers, elderly people, obese people and people living a sedentary lifestyle. Apart from this, see in the graphic what new things have been revealed in the study. Diabetes due to increased insulin resistance occurs when our cells become weak in responding to insulin, causing the pancreas to produce more insulin to control blood glucose levels. After this, when cells become too resistant to insulin, blood sugar levels rise. This condition is called hyperglycemia. This eventually leads to pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Apart from this it can also cause many diseases, see graphic. The body sends many signals before insulin resistance develops. Disturbed by this, the body gives many signals for help. Our thirst increases more than before and the need to urinate frequently. What other signals the body gives, see in the graphic. Difference Between Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Due to a poor lifestyle and unhealthy diet, anyone can develop insulin resistance. This condition can be temporary or chronic. People who develop insulin resistance are more likely to develop diabetes. This condition can also cause insulin production to stop. Who is at greater risk of insulin resistance? If one or both of a person's parents have diabetes, their body is more likely to become insulin resistant. Overweight people are also more susceptible to this. Apart from this, see in the graphic which people it affects more. Insulin resistance can cause heart attacks Due to insulin resistance, the body's production of insulin is normally increased to control blood sugar levels. This condition is called hyperinsulinemia. This can lead to rapid weight gain, which can worsen insulin resistance. In addition, the problems can be aggravated in many ways: all these conditions together can cause a heart attack. So, the best way to prevent it is to be aware of your body's signals. If you see signs of insulin resistance, change your diet If there are signs of insulin resistance, we need to be alert immediately. This can be prevented by making some important changes in lifestyle and diet. What changes in diet need to be made, see the graphic. Apart from this, your sedentary lifestyle habits also need to be changed. One should develop a habit of regular exercise. It is important to go to bed on time at night and get enough sleep of at least 7 hours. Along with a healthy and balanced diet, drink 7-8 glasses of water a day. This way we can control insulin resistance to a great extent.

Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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