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26-year-old CA dies due to work load: Workload can be fatal, learn work time management, these 9 tips from experts will improve mental health

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a bad work culture, where there is discrimination and inequality or an excessive workload, is extremely dangerous for your mental health. According to a WHO report, in the year 2019, 15% of working adults across the world suffered from mental stress. The report states that stress, anxiety and depression account for 12 billion lost workdays a year and cost the economy $1 trillion annually.

According to a report by Statista, the world's largest data platform, 11,486 employees worldwide committed suicide due to workload in 2022.

Recently, a 26-year-old Chartered Accountant (CA) working in Pune died allegedly due to excessive workload. The deceased's mother alleged that within a few months of joining the company, he started losing appetite and sleep, which led to this.

Many others are living under stress due to the ongoing competition and workload in the private or corporate sector. As a result, they suffer from many mental problems. Work pressure is nothing new for people working in the corporate sector. Every day they are facing some new pressure. But it is very important to do something to manage it.

so today relationship ' we will talk about how we can reduce the workload. You will also know that-

  • What effect does over-workload have on our health?
  • How to manage workload scientifically?

Workload affects mental health

When excess of work and pressure, lack of deadlines creates stress in our mind, we are not able to complete the work on time, then it is called workload.

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According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the mental health and well-being of employees in the corporate sector is a major concern today. Workload can have negative effects on employees' mental and physical health, such as anxiety, stress. If this condition continues for a long time, it can turn into depression.

Check out the graphic below to see how workload affects health:

How to reduce workload

According to Forbes, mental health awareness is on the rise, but so are problems related to depression, anxiety and stress. In today's modern age, 1 in 5 Americans struggle with some mental health condition.

The main reason for this is the increasing competition and workload in the corporate sector. Everyone wants to perform better, for which they even set impossible goals. Due to this the work pressure increases and then he has to face difficulties.

However, its solution is also possible. For this companies have to change their policies and procedures. Some companies have such a policy, but most companies have yet to act on it. There are many ways to reduce workload, which both the company and the employee can adopt.

This can be easily understood by the graphic below.

If someone is stressed due to work load, how to help him

Psychologist Sonam Chathwani shares some important methods for this-

  • Reach out for help – First of all, if you see someone in the office stressed or anxious, then extend your helping hand.
  • Support- If he needs any kind of social support, you help him. Understand his problem and help him solve it as much as possible.
  • Work on skill training in the office- If an employee lacks any skill, which is required for the job, the company should provide him with skill training.
  • Don't gossip about problems – After learning about an employee's problems, don't gossip about it with anyone else. If he has shared his views with confidence, keep his confidence.
  • Encourage positive thinking- When your co-worker is struggling, encourage him to think positively. You can also give him a motivational book to read.
  • Appreciate his special skills – If a colleague is not good at one task, it is not necessary that he is not good at another. He may have some other special skills, like if he tallies better, types faster or writes better, praise him for such skills. This will motivate him.
  • Motivate good diet and healthy lifestyle – Often due to work load the lifestyle deteriorates and affects our health. So motivate him for a better lifestyle.
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Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).

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