Jasbir Kaur (58), a female teacher in West Bengal's Kolkata, committed suicide live on Facebook. The incident took place on December 5. During the suicide, the woman accused the principal and management of Khalsa Model Senior Secondary School (KMSSS) of mental torture.
Jasbir's body was found hanging in his apartment in Dakshineswar area. Her brother Jasbinder Singh filed a case of incitement to suicide against Principal Gurmeet Kaur Arjani, Chairman of the Management Committee Davinder Singh Benipal, Secretary Gurdev Singh Laparan and others.
The police called the principal and management for questioning Barrackpore Police Commissioner Alok Rajoria said – a case has been registered. All the people whose names are mentioned in the FIR are being interrogated. Further action has been taken in this regard. According to the family, Jasbir's husband was killed in 2003, police said. He has two sons who live abroad. Jasbir lived alone on the first floor of the apartment.
Jasbir was depressed due to being alone School officials have denied the allegations of harassment. Gurbinder Singh, a member of the management committee said – Jasbir was depressed due to being alone and was troubled because of not being able to give his B.Ed certificate.
He said Jasbir had a good relationship with me. Three days ago he asked me to do something for him at the school gate. At that time I could not understand what she was trying to say.
School people were threatening Jasbir's brother said, “My sister was tortured daily by the principal and other members of the school to get her teacher's training certificate.” Jasbir was being threatened with withholding of pension, PF, graduation and retirement benefits. Due to which he committed suicide. All the accused should be punished.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).