A video of actor Pankaj Tripathi's advertisement is going viral on social media. In the advertisement video, Pankaj Tripathi plays the role of a groundnut seller. It can be seen in the video that a message comes on his phone, Pankaj Tripathi says on the message, I am selling peanuts, not my intellect.
Pankaj further states – Look at this message, BJP has done, saying vote we will develop. We don't know what, here we voted for them, on the other hand government money disappeared. I am a peanut seller, not a fool. If BJP people are luring you too, say I am not stupid.
- A verified user named Pitambarkumar also shared the video with the same caption.
- A verified user named Mithlesh Sahu, who calls himself an AAP leader on X, also shared the video with the same caption. ( archive )
- A verified user named Devesh Vishvakumar also shared the video with the same caption.
The truth behind the viral video…
To find out the authenticity of the viral video, we reverse searched its key frames. Upon investigation we found his original video on a YouTube channel called UPI Chalega.
The title of the video on the channel reads, Peanut, Fake Lottery Link, UPI Security Awareness. There, in the video, actor Pankaj Tripathi can be heard saying – I am selling peanuts, not my intellect. See this message, it says lottery is open, click the link and enter UPI pin and get Rs. We don't know what, put the UPI pin here, on the other hand the rupees disappear. I'm a peanut, not a fool. Remember UPI says if someone offers bait say I'm not stupid. There, the advertisement video was uploaded on the channel 2 months ago i.e. on 23 September 2024.
It is clear that Actor Pankaj Tripathi's viral video on social media has been edited. Real video created for UPI consumer awareness, is being edited and shared with false claims.
Join us against fake news. If you have any doubts regarding any information please email us WhatsApp on this number @fakenewsxpose@dbcorp.in and 9201776050.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).