A shocking video has surfaced from Delhi's Ber Sarai red light crossing. In the video, two traffic policemen can be seen hanging on the bonnet of the car, while the driver is speeding and trying to escape. The incident is said to have happened around 7.30 pm on Saturday.
This video of Bar Sarai in Delhi is also raising questions on the security system of the capital. After watching the video, people are questioning what will happen to the public when the police are not safe in the national capital?
Policemen hanging on bonnets
A white colored car can be seen in the viral video. The car was taking a U-turn when two traffic police personnel tried to stop the car. But the car driver does not stop. Meanwhile, the traffic policeman hangs on the bonnet of the car to save his life. However, the driver does not stop the car and plunges for about 100 meters leaving the policemen hanging on the bonnet. He then hits the brakes, causing a traffic police constable to fall down.
Two traffic policemen are hanging on the bonnet of a car.
The driver of the car escapes
After this the car swerves and the driver of the car hits the brakes again and knocks down another traffic constable as well. After this he flees with the car. However, in the meantime some people try to catch the car driver, but the car is so fast that people dare not go near it.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).