Congress-President Mallikarjun Kharge is usually seen criticizing PM Modi. From election rallies to Parliament, the Prime Minister remains on his toes, but on Friday, Kharge was seen in a different vein with PM Modi. He was holding the Prime Minister's hand. PM Modi laughed after listening to him. Meanwhile, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar and former President Ram Nath Kovind and many other personalities were present there. Dr. This was the occasion of a tribute program organized in the lawn of Parliament House on the 69th death anniversary of Bhimrao Ambedkar.
After the uproar on the Adani issue in Parliament, people are making many interpretations on this picture. The picture has sparked a huge debate on social media.
In the video, it is seen that PM Modi and Mallikarjun Kharge meet at the spot. Khadge shakes hands with PM Modi and starts talking to him. Meanwhile, PM Modi is seen holding his hand. After this, the Prime Minister laughs loudly at Khadge's words and points to the leader standing behind Khadge. After this the Congress president again held PM Modi's hand. He says something with a hand gesture that looks like a joke is going on between them.
Khadge seems very busy in his conversation with the Prime Minister. Kharge is then interrupted by Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla standing back, after which he finishes his speech and lines up for a photo with other dignitaries.
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Meanwhile all the leaders of power and opposition paid tribute to Bhimrao Ambedkar. Among them, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi, Former President Ram Nath Kovind, Congress-President Mallikarjun Kharge, Union Minister Ramdas Athavale and other leaders on the occasion of 69th Mahaparinirvan Day Dr. B.R. He reached the Parliament House lawn to pay tribute to Ambedkar.
Image Credit: (Divya-Bhaskar): Images/graphics belong to (Divya-Bhaskar).