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HomeHealthSexual Wellness: Sexual relations should not happen till these many days after delivery, know...

Sexual Wellness: Sexual relations should not happen till these many days after delivery, know what the experts say

Sexual relationship is an important part of life for married couples. However, there are many questions related to intimacy that any married couple has in their mind. But they hesitate to talk about it openly. Couples also have many questions about sexual relationship again after delivery. Let us tell you that it is advisable to avoid physical intimacy for some time after pregnancy and delivery. In such a situation, it is also important to know after how many days of delivery the couple should start sexual relationship again.

Let us tell you that many hormonal changes occur in the body of women during pregnancy and after delivery. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to take special care of some things before physical intimacy after delivery. Because sexual relations after birth affect the child. Due to which the relationship of the couple can also be affected. Therefore, today through this article we are going to tell you for how many days physical intimacy should be avoided after delivery.

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How many days after delivery should you have sexual relation
According to experts, any couple should avoid having sexual relations for at least 4 to 6 weeks after delivery.
If you can wait longer, or you are not fully ready for intimacy, then you should take some more time.
Let us tell you that after delivery the vagina becomes weak and sensitive. In such a situation, being intimate 6 weeks before delivery can have a bad effect on women's health.
Hormonal changes occur in the body of women after pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. In such a situation, women may experience vaginal dryness during this period. Therefore, intimacy should be avoided for some time after delivery.
Along with this, women may experience pain in having physical relations for the first time after the birth of the child. In such a situation, it becomes necessary for you to take some care.
Women experience vaginal bleeding and discharge for a few weeks after delivery. Therefore, physical intimacy should be avoided during this time.
You must consult your doctor before having sexual relations. If your delivery is not normal or there were any complications in the delivery, then your doctor may advise you to wait a little longer.

Image Credit: PravaSakshi Assets

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